RENNBETRIEB x Studio Sokue

RENNBETRIEB x Studio Sokue

Sophie Küppers for rennbetrieb
eat pasta, drive fasta

Sophie Küppers, founder of Studio Sokue, is a German artist, all-round designer and motocross rider based in Hamburg. With a passion for cars and motorcycles, she customizes gear, designs graphics, and creates unique artworks for the petrolhead community.

rennbetrieb eatpasta drive fasta enamel cargrill badge red
    rennbetrieb eatpasta drive fasta enamel cargrill badge red
    rennbetrieb eatpasta drive fasta enamel cargrill badge red
    rennbetrieb eatpasta drive fasta enamel cargrill badge
    rennbetrieb eatpasta drive fasta enamel cargrill badge red
    enamel grill badge backside mount
    enamel grill badge backside 3m VHB mount
    screw kit

    Enamel Car Grill Badge - Eat Pasta, Drive Fasta


    Fast customer service

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    14-day return

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    Design & Quality

    Enjoy the highest quality standards.

    mountain roads in austria
    made with passion

    designed in austria

    We are located in Austria/Europe - the capital of scenic mountain roads.